English - Revista Merca2.0 https://www.merca20.com/category/english/ Marketing, Mercadotecnia, Publicidad, Medios Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:33:31 +0000 es-MX hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://files.merca20.com/uploads/2020/09/favicon.ico English - Revista Merca2.0 https://www.merca20.com/category/english/ 32 32 Exigen que Zara imite a H&M, Adidas, Nike y Primark y diga dónde están sus fábricas  https://www.merca20.com/zara-imite-a-hm-adidas-nike-primark-fabricas/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=zara-imite-a-hm-adidas-nike-primark-fabricas Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:33:31 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12392197
  • Inditex (Zara, Lefties) se niega a revelar las fábricas individuales de donde proviene su ropa, a diferencia de sus competidores.
  • Rivales de Zara como H&M, Adidas, Nike, Puma y Primark ya han optado por la transparencia en sus cadenas de suministro.
  • La competencia en el mercado del fast fashion se intensifica con consumidores más exigentes y una mayor conciencia sobre sostenibilidad y ética en la moda.

    En medio de una presión cada vez mayor sobre las prácticas de la cadena de suministro en la industria de la moda, los inversores están instando (no de forma amistosa) a Inditex, el propietario de la famosa marca Zara, para que siga el ejemplo de sus competidores y revele la lista completa de sus proveedores.

    Esta solicitud se produce después de que rivales como H&M, Adidas, Puma y Primark, entre otros, ya hayan optado por la transparencia en este aspecto.

    A diferencia de muchos de sus pares en la industria minorista de ropa, Inditex ha mantenido en secreto la identidad de las fábricas de las que se abastece.

    Sin embargo, esta falta de transparencia está siendo cuestionada tanto por reguladores como por inversores de Inditex, quienes consideran que una mayor publicidad de su logística es esencial para evaluar los riesgos en la cadena y garantizar que no haya prácticas laborales abusivas, dice Reuters.

    ¿Dónde fabrica Zara su ropa?

    La presión sobre Inditex para revelar sus proveedores se intensifica en un momento en que el gigante chino de la moda, Shein, se enfrenta a críticas debido a los riesgos potenciales en su cadena de suministro.

    Además, en la Unión Europea, la falta de acuerdo en las normativas propuestas sobre la divulgación de las cadenas logísticas ha dejado en evidencia la necesidad de que las empresas se comprometan con la transparencia.

    Rivales de Zara como H&M, Adidas, Nike, Puma y Primark ya han optado por la transparencia en sus cadenas de suministro.

    Mientras tanto, marcas como Adidas, H&M, Nike, Puma y Primark ya han optado por la transparencia al publicar listas detalladas de sus proveedores, lo que incluye información específica sobre las fábricas con las que trabajan.

    Esta práctica no solo brinda claridad a los inversores, sino que también demuestra un compromiso con estándares éticos en la producción de prendas de vestir.

    La lista que Inditex no quiere dar

    A pesar de que Inditex publica anualmente el número de sus proveedores y la ubicación general de estos en 12 países principales, lo que quieren es que entregue detalles específicos sobre las fábricas individuales.

    Los inversores, como el gestor de activos holandés MN, quieren la lista completa de las fábricas donde se elabora la ropa que se vende en las tiendas Zara, Lefties y Bershka.

    La falta de transparencia de Inditex ha generado preocupaciones entre los inversores sobre su compromiso con la responsabilidad corporativa y la ética laboral.

    Aunque la empresa sostiene que tiene información detallada al que se la pida, se ha negado a compartirla públicamente, lo que contrasta con las prácticas de sus competidores en la industria.

    En cuanto a la competencia en el mercado del fast fashion, empresas como Zara, H&M, Shein, Primark y otras se enfrentan a un panorama cada vez más congestionado y exigente.

    Los gustos cambiantes de los consumidores y la cada vez mayor conciencia sobre la sostenibilidad y la ética en la moda están impulsando a estas empresas a adaptarse y diferenciarse en un mercado saturado.

    Ahora lee:

    El bolso en forma de globo de estrella, la tendencia que arrasa en Zara y Shein

    Al estilo Balenciaga; Zara lanza extraños jeans y consumidores se burlan en redes

    Lefties: el arma (no tan secreta) de Zara para aplastar a Shein

    El precio de Bitcoin sube hasta U$S 71,700 ¿Hasta dónde llegará en 2024? https://www.merca20.com/precio-de-bitcoin-71700-hasta-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=precio-de-bitcoin-71700-hasta-2024 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:10:26 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12392194
  • Bitcoin alcanzó un nuevo récord histórico, superando los 71,700 dólares este lunes 11 de marzo.
  • La aprobación del Reino Unido para que las bolsas emitan notas negociadas en bolsa respaldadas por criptomonedas podría ser la causa del nuevo repunte.
  • La inversión en nuevos fondos cotizados respaldados por bitcoin al contado y las expectativas de recorte de tasas por parte de la Reserva Federal estadounidense también impulsan el interés en Bitcoin.

    El Bitcoin, líder entre las criptomonedas, marcó un hito histórico al alcanzar un nuevo récord este lunes 11 de marzo, superando la barrera de los 71,700 dólares.

    Este incremento vertiginoso evidencia la firmeza del ascenso de la principal criptodivisa, que parece no mostrar indicios de desaceleración en el imparable rally alcista de 2024.

    El ente regulador financiero del Reino Unido se sumó a la lista de órganos supervisorios que han allanado el terreno para la proliferación de productos financieros relacionados con activos digitales.

    Esta medida se traduce en la autorización para que las bolsas de inversión más reconocidas emitan notas negociadas en bolsa respaldadas por criptomonedas, lo que podría añadir un nuevo impulso al crecimiento del mercado.

    Durante las operaciones europeas de este lunes, el Bitcoin registró un ascenso del 4.9%, alcanzando así su pico máximo de 71,700 dólares, incrementando sus ganancias en lo que va de año en un impresionante 70%.

    Qué impulsa el precio de Bitcoin

    El buen desempeño de la criptomoneda insignia ha sido alimentado por una afluencia de inversiones en nuevos fondos cotizados respaldados por bitcoin al contado.

    Asimismo, las expectativas de que la Reserva Federal estadounidense (la famosa FED) reduzca próximamente las tasas de interés han contribuido a impulsar aún más el interés en esta clase de activo.

    A pesar de registrar una leve desaceleración, los flujos de capital hacia los 10 principales fondos cotizados (ETF) de Bitcoin al contado en Estados Unidos aún alcanzaron la cifra de casi 2,000 millones de dólares durante la semana que culminó el 8 de marzo, según datos de LSEG.


    Por otro lado, el Ether (el token de Ethereum), la segunda criptomoneda más valiosa, también experimentó un ascenso del 2.1%, acercándose a la marca de los 4,000 dólares, situándose cerca de su máximo en dos años.

    La especulación en torno a la posible aprobación por parte de los reguladores estadounidenses de la cotización de ETFs del Ether al contado ha contribuido a impulsar su precio en un 75% en lo que va del año 2024.

    La relevancia de los ETF de Bitcoin y el halving

    Los ETF, siglas que corresponden a Exchange-Traded Funds o fondos cotizados, son instrumentos financieros que permiten a los inversores acceder a una cesta diversificada de activos, operando en bolsa de valores de la misma manera que las acciones.

    Por otro lado, un ETF de Bitcoin es un fondo cotizado que rastrea el precio del Bitcoin y permite a los inversores obtener exposición a esta criptomoneda sin poseerla directamente.

    La introducción de ETF de Bitcoin es clave, ya que facilita la participación de inversores institucionales y minoristas en el mercado de Bitcoin, contribuyendo a aumentar su liquidez y su legitimidad como activo financiero.

    Otro evento que favorece el aumento del precio de Bitcoin es el halving, un evento programado que ocurre aproximadamente cada cuatro años, donde la recompensa que reciben los mineros por verificar transacciones se reduce a la mitad.

    Este evento tiene un impacto en la oferta de Bitcoin, ya que reduce la tasa de emisión de nuevas monedas, lo que puede conducir a una escasez y, en teoría, a un aumento en su precio debido a la ley de la oferta y la demanda.

    Ahora lee:

    El precio de Bitcoin supera los U$S 65,000 y coquetea con su máximo histórico

    El precio de Bitcoin supera los U$S 57,000 y busca el máximo histórico

    ¿Por qué el precio de bitcoin no termina de despegar en 2024?

    What is a publicist? This was the most searched thing on Google at the Oscars 2024 https://www.merca20.com/what-is-a-publicist-this-was-the-most-searched-thing-on-google-at-the-oscars-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-a-publicist-this-was-the-most-searched-thing-on-google-at-the-oscars-2024 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 09:00:28 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12392175 In the wake of the Oscars 2024, a term that caught the collective curiosity of the internet was “publicist,” thanks to Da’Vine Joy Randolph’s acceptance speech. According to Google Trends, the query “what is a publicist” saw an astronomical spike of +4,950%, making it one of the standout search trends related to the prestigious award ceremony.

    The Oscars 2024 not only celebrated cinematic achievements but also sparked a myriad of questions among viewers, leading to some interesting search trends. For instance, following the award for adapted screenplay, “what is a screenplay” emerged as the top trending “what is…” search. This was closely followed by queries like “why is Barbie an adapted screenplay,” reflecting the audience’s curiosity about the categories and winners.

    Cocktail enthusiasts and movie fans alike were intrigued by the “Barbenheimer cocktail,” a breakout search during the Oscars, signifying a blend of pop culture and mixology. Additionally, “red pins Oscars 2024” was the top trending “pins” search, hinting at a fashion or symbolic statement made during the event.

    The Oscars also prompted nostalgia and anticipation for film sequels, with “Twins sequel” becoming the top trending “sequel” search. In a surprising twist, “donation” was a breakout search in the musical instrument category, although the context behind this surge remains a topic of curiosity.

    Cultural and linguistic interest spiked as well, with searches for “Osage Nation map” and “Osage language” both increasing by +5,000%, highlighting a growing interest in indigenous cultures and languages. The performance of “I’m Just Ken” led to “what band is Slash in” becoming a breakout search, demonstrating the power of musical performances to engage and educate audiences about artists.

    Other notable search trends included “how long are the Oscars,” reflecting viewers’ desire to manage their viewing schedules, and “cillian pronunciation,” which spiked +1,350% after Cillian Murphy’s win for Best Actor in a Leading Role. Ryan Gosling dominated the red carpet look searches, underscoring the continued interest in celebrity fashion.

    Poor Things, top film searched

    “Poor Things” was the top searched film during the ceremony, with Robert Downey Jr. becoming the top searched nominee for acting. This indicates a strong connection between on-screen performances and viewer engagement.

    “I’m Just Ken” by Ryan Gosling was the top searched musical performance, further emphasizing the role of music in enriching the Oscars experience.

    Top Searches in Specific Categories

    • Films: “Poor Things” led the search interest during the Oscars.
    • Acting Nominees: Robert Downey Jr. was the most searched nominee for acting.
    • Musical Performances: “I’m Just Ken” by Ryan Gosling was the most searched performance.
    • Acceptance Speeches: Robert Downey Jr.’s speech was the most searched.

    Geographical Interest

    • US Metro Areas: New York, NY, topped the search interest in the Oscars.
    • Worldwide: Ireland was the leading country in searching for the Oscars ceremony.

    The Google search trends during the Oscars 2024 offer a unique window into the moments, topics, and personalities that captured the public’s attention. From heartfelt speeches and fashion choices to film summaries and musical performances, the ceremony sparked a flurry of online exploration.








    National Barbie Day 2024: Why We Celebrate on March 9th? https://www.merca20.com/national-barbie-day-2024-why-we-celebrate-on-march-9th/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=national-barbie-day-2024-why-we-celebrate-on-march-9th Fri, 08 Mar 2024 21:20:43 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391932 On March 9th, we mark National Barbie Day, commemorating the day in 1959 when this iconic doll was first introduced at the New York Toy Fair.

    National Barbie Day celebrates not only the inception of Barbie but also the myriad ways this doll has influenced fashion, play, and the dreams of children around the world for 65 years. As we look back on Barbie’s journey from her debut to her role in today’s society, here are 10 fun facts about Barbie that showcase her impact and evolution.

    The Origin of Barbie

    Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, hailing from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin. She was named after Barbara, the daughter of Ruth Handler, who co-founded Mattel Inc. with her husband Elliot.

    Barbie’s First Appearance

    When Barbie first made her debut, she donned a black-and-white striped swimsuit, a topknot ponytail, and a sassy sideways glance, setting the stage for her fashion-forward identity.

    The Price of the First Barbie

    The original Barbie doll was sold for $3.00. Considering her vast array of accessories and the inflation over the years, this price point marks a humble beginning for what would become a billion-dollar brand.

    Barbie’s Extensive Career

    Barbie has had over 250 careers, ranging from astronaut and pilot to entrepreneur and computer engineer, reflecting societal changes and encouraging children to dream without limits.

    Ken Joins the Scene

    Ken, Barbie’s longtime companion, was introduced two years after Barbie, in 1961. He was named after Kenneth, the Handlers’ son, further extending the family connection in the Barbie universe.

    Barbie’s Signature Color

    The vibrant “Barbie Pink” (PMS 219) has become synonymous with the doll, highlighting her signature style and the boldness she represents.

    The Best-Selling Barbie

    The 1992 Totally Hair Barbie, with her floor-length hair, is the best-selling Barbie doll ever, illustrating kids’ fascination with hair play and fashion.

    Barbie’s Influence on Fashion

    Barbie has collaborated with over 75 fashion designers, including Oscar de la Renta and Vera Wang, blending the worlds of play and high fashion.

    Barbie in Space

    Four years before man walked on the moon, Barbie traveled into space in 1965, showing girls that the sky was not the limit.

    A Global Phenomenon

    Barbie is sold in over 150 countries, with dolls that represent different cultures, careers, and stories, making her a global icon for children everywhere.

    As we celebrate National Barbie Day 2024, it’s clear that Barbie is more than just a doll; she’s a cultural icon that has evolved to stay relevant and inspirational over the years. From her beginnings in 1959 to her role today as a symbol of empowerment and inclusivity, Barbie continues to inspire children to dream big and imagine endless possibilities. Her legacy is a testament to the vision of Ruth Handler and the enduring appeal of Barbie as a muse, a role model, and a storyteller for generations.

    ALSO READ. Happy International Women’s Day? Why Women Are Not Congratulated on March 8th


    Happy International Women’s Day? Why Women Are Not Congratulated on March 8th https://www.merca20.com/happy-international-womens-day-why-women-are-not-congratulated-on-march-8th/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=happy-international-womens-day-why-women-are-not-congratulated-on-march-8th Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:20:47 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391798 As March 8th, International Women’s Day, approaches, a particular phenomenon in Google search trends can be observed. Thousands of users have turned to this search engine with specific questions: Are gifts given for Women’s Day? Is it appropriate to congratulate women on this date? Why isn’t Women’s Day celebrated? These questions reflect a common confusion about the nature and purpose of this commemorative date.

    The increase in searches for terms like “Are gifts given on Women’s Day?”, “Why aren’t women congratulated on March 8th?” and “Why isn’t Women’s Day celebrated?” suggests a need to clarify the meaning and intention behind International Women’s Day. Contrary to traditional celebrations that might suggest the exchange of gifts or congratulations, March 8th has a much deeper and more serious background.

    It’s important to understand that International Women’s Day is not a celebration in the festive sense of the word, but rather a commemoration of women’s historical struggle for equality, respect for their rights, and the end of the violence they suffer in different spheres of society. This date emerged from social and labor movements at the beginning of the 20th century and has since transformed into a day of reflection, activism, and claim for rights.

    The fact that there is confusion about how to approach International Women’s Day reflects an educational opportunity. It is crucial to spread the message that March 8th goes beyond a simple opportunity to express affection through gifts or congratulations. It is a day to recognize the importance of women’s struggle in history and the present, to value their contributions to society, and to reaffirm the collective commitment to achieving gender equality.

    Therefore, rather than looking for the right way to “celebrate” this day, society should focus on reflection and action. Participating in educational events, supporting causes that promote women’s rights, and engaging in constructive conversations are meaningful ways to commemorate this date.

    Brief History of March 8th

    This date is the result of the demands of the labor movement at the beginning of the 20th century in North America and Europe.

    In 1909, the Socialist Party of the United States called to celebrate Women’s Day in that country on February 28th.

    A year later, the International Conference of Socialist Women met in Copenhagen, Denmark, and proclaimed the celebration of International Women’s Day as a tribute to the movement for women’s rights and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women.

    The proposal was unanimously approved by more than 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. On that occasion, it was proposed that the celebration be held on March 8th.

    On March 8, 1910, the first Spanish woman was admitted to university.

    On March 25, 1911, an event that had relevance to women’s rights occurred: a fire in a New York factory killed 123 female workers. The incident highlighted the poor working conditions for women and led to changes in the law.

    In 1917, in response to the death of 2 million Russian soldiers in the war, Russian women chose the last Sunday in February to go on strike demanding “bread and peace.” Four days later, the Tsar abdicated, and the provisional government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday was February 23rd, according to the Julian calendar used then in Russia, or March 8th, according to the Gregorian calendar used in other countries.

    Over the years, several countries joined the commemoration of Women’s Day.

    In 1945, the Charter of the United Nations became the first international agreement to establish the principle of equality between women and men.

    Theme for March 8th, 2024

    International Women’s Day 2024 is celebrated under the theme “Funding women’s rights: accelerating equality.” This call resonates in a complex global context, marked by economic, climatic, and social crises that disproportionately impact women and girls.

    The lack of funding is a fundamental obstacle to achieving gender equality. An annual deficit of 360,000 million dollars in measures for this purpose is estimated. International Women’s Day 2024 seeks to mobilize governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals to invest in five key areas:

    • Equal pay for work of equal value: Eliminating the wage gap between men and women is fundamental for economic justice.
    • Decent work for women: Promoting the creation of dignified and safe jobs for women, with access to social protection and job security.
    • Leadership and political participation of women: Increasing women’s participation in decision-making at all levels.
    • Ending violence against women and girls: Eradicating gender-based violence in all its forms, from domestic violence to sexual harassment.
    • Health and sexual and reproductive rights: Ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health, including family planning and safe maternal care.

    For the UN, it is also important to support feminisms and movements that drive change.

    “Feminist organizations lead the fight against poverty and inequality for women in all their diversity. Yet, they are advocating and working almost without resources, as they receive scant support from international cooperation, multilateral funds, national budgets, or philanthropy. It is urgent to fund feminist and women’s organizations to boost them, as strengthening movements and civil society organizations contributes to democracy, peace, and sustainable development.”

    ALSO READ.Best International Women’s Day Quotes for 2024


    Best International Women’s Day Quotes for 2024 https://www.merca20.com/best-international-womens-day-quotes-for-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=best-international-womens-day-quotes-for-2024 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 10:00:37 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391758 International Women’s Day, celebrated each March 8th, is a date of utmost importance in the fight for gender equality, the recognition of women’s rights, and awareness of the various forms of discrimination and violence that women face around the world.

    This day not only serves to commemorate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women but also acts as a call to action to accelerate gender parity and address persistent inequalities.

    The significance of this day lies in its ability to unite people from all cultures and social strata in recognition of women’s contributions and in reflection on the necessary steps to build a fairer and more inclusive society.

    8M. Phrases for International Women’s Day 2024

    Below we share 50 famous quotes by women for this March 8th.

    • The teacher asked my brother, ‘What career do you want to study?’ but she asked me, ‘What kind of man do you want to marry?’ Michelle Obama
    • Women are the world’s greatest untapped talent. Hillary Clinton
    • Masculinity is the male way of demeaning women. Simone de Beauvoir
    • The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be, rather than recognizing who we are. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    • When men are oppressed, it’s a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it’s tradition. Letty Cottin
    • Well-behaved women seldom make history. Eleanor Roosevelt
    • We need to tell girls their voices are important. Malala Yousafzai
    • Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. Rosa Luxemburg
    • Foolish men who accuse women without reason, without seeing that you are the cause of the very thing you blame. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
    • Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them. Margaret Atwood
    • I still need to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career. Gloria Steinem
    • They cut her wings and then blame her for not knowing how to fly. Simone de Beauvoir
    • The problem of the woman has always been a problem of men. Simone de Beauvoir
    • If being a bitch means being strong, ambitious, and confident, then I am. Madonna
    • If I hate any man, it is the one who hates women. Anaïs Nin
    • Strong men don’t need to put down women to feel powerful. Michelle Obama
    • We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly. Margaret Atwood
    • Feminism doesn’t want to share the cake; it wants to bake a new one. Gloria Steinem
    • Feminism is the radical idea that women are people. Angela Davis
    • Feminism is about choosing whatever you want. Nancy Reagan
    • You don’t need to be anti-man to be pro-woman. Jane Galvin
    • If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. Margaret Thatcher
    • Feminism isn’t about making women strong. They are already strong. It’s about changing how the world perceives that strength. G.D. Anderson
    • We need to reclaim the word feminism to also include men. Annie Lennox
    • We had two options, be silent and die, or speak and die, and we chose to speak. Malala Yousafzai
    • Feminism isn’t about hating men; it’s about fighting against a gender distinction that is absurd. Robert Webb
    • The first duty of a woman writer is to kill the angel of the house. Virginia Woolf
    • For most of history, Anonymous was a woman. Virginia Woolf
    • When they tried to silence me, I screamed. Teresa Wilms Montt
    • It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent. Madeleine Albright

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    Happy Women’s Day Wishes Images and inspirational quotes https://www.merca20.com/happy-womens-day-wishes-images-and-inspirational-quotes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=happy-womens-day-wishes-images-and-inspirational-quotes Fri, 08 Mar 2024 09:30:20 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391761 Although it should be noted that the commemoration of International Women’s Day is a result of the demands of the trade union movement in the early 20th century in North America and Europe.

    In 1909, the Socialist Party of the United States called for the celebration of Women’s Day in that country on February 28th.

    A year later, the International Conference of Socialist Women met in Copenhagen and proclaimed the celebration of International Women’s Day, as a tribute to the movement for women’s rights and to help achieve universal women’s suffrage.

    The proposal was unanimously approved by more than 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. It was proposed that the celebration be held on March 8th.

    On March 8th, 1910, the first Spanish woman gained access to university.

    On March 25th, 1911, an event of significance for women’s rights occurred: a fire in a New York factory caused the death of 123 female workers. The incident highlighted the poor working conditions of women and led to changes in the law.

    In 1917, in reaction to the 2 million Russian soldiers killed in the war, Russian women chose the last Sunday of February to go on strike demanding “bread and peace.” Four days later, the Tsar abdicated, and the provisional government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday was February 23rd, according to the Julian calendar then used in Russia, or March 8th, according to the Gregorian calendar used in other countries.

    Why the Mimosa Flower is the Symbol of International Women’s Day

    Every year on March 8th, International Women’s Day is celebrated around the globe, marked by demonstrations, events, and discussions focusing on women’s rights, achievements, and ongoing struggles for gender equality. Amidst the powerful messages and rallying cries, a delicate flower emerges as a symbol of strength, resilience, and beauty: the Mimosa. This vibrant yellow blossom, particularly associated with the day in many countries, holds a deep significance in the context of women’s rights and history.

    The tradition of the Mimosa flower as a symbol of International Women’s Day has its roots in Italy, where it was first adopted in 1946. The choice of the Mimosa was influenced by several factors, including its bright yellow color, which signifies vitality and the awakening of spring. Moreover, the Mimosa blooms in early March, making it readily available for the occasion.

    The Mimosa’s association with International Women’s Day is attributed to Italian feminists Teresa Mattei, Rita Montagnana, and Teresa Noce, who were looking for a symbol to replace the violets and lilies of the valley used in France and other European countries. They sought a flower that was not only abundant and affordable for every woman but also represented strength and sensitivity simultaneously. The Mimosa, with its bright, fragrant blossoms and ability to thrive in harsh conditions, was the perfect choice.

    Beyond its aesthetic and symbolic appeal, the Mimosa flower embodies the essence of women’s fight for equality and justice. It represents women’s solidarity, the brightness of their achievements despite the challenges faced, and the continuous growth towards a more inclusive and equal world. The flower’s resilience mirrors the persistence of the women’s movement, highlighting the capacity to flourish despite adversity.

    In Italy and beyond, the Mimosa is given to women as a sign of respect and appreciation on International Women’s Day. It serves as a reminder of the struggles overcome and the victories achieved in the quest for gender equality. Moreover, the tradition of gifting Mimosas has spread to other countries, becoming a universal symbol of appreciation, solidarity, and support for women’s rights.

    The selection of the Mimosa flower as a symbol for International Women’s Day exemplifies the movement’s values of beauty, strength, and renewal. It serves as a vibrant reminder of the progress made and the work that still lies ahead in the fight for gender equality. As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, the Mimosa stands as a testament to women’s resilience, their contributions to society, and their ongoing struggle for rights and recognition.

    Women’s Day Wishes inspirational images and quotes

    • “Here’s to strong women: May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. Wishing you a powerful International Women’s Day!”
    • “Happy International Women’s Day! May your day be filled with the light of understanding, the warmth of community, and the strength of your convictions.”
    • “To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every day. Happy Women’s Day!”
    • “Here’s to celebrating you, the unsung heroines of everyday life. Your strength is the foundation of our society. Happy International Women’s Day!”
    • “May your voice grow stronger, your dreams bigger, and your influence greater. Happy Women’s Day to all the phenomenal women out there!”
    • “Remember, you are not a drop in the ocean, but the entire ocean in a drop. Happy International Women’s Day to the powerful sea of change you are!”
    • “May this Women’s Day bring you the courage to break the glass ceiling and the will to pave paths in uncharted territories. Shine bright!”
    • “On International Women’s Day, let us remember: Empowered women empower women. Here’s to lifting each other up, today and always!”
    • “Happy Women’s Day! May you continue to inspire those around you with your wisdom, kindness, and courage. Here’s to making every day a celebration of women!”
    • “To the trailblazers, the caretakers, the innovators, and the dreamers: may you continue to lead the way with grace and resilience. Happy International Women’s Day!”

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    International Women's Day
    International Women’s Day
    Women’s Day Wishes
    Women’s Day Wishes

    happy womens day wishes (1) happy womens day wishes (1)


    The FDA cinnamon recall 2024: What should you know about lead poisoning? https://www.merca20.com/fda-warns-about-lead-contamination-in-more-cinnamon-products-in-the-u-s/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fda-warns-about-lead-contamination-in-more-cinnamon-products-in-the-u-s Thu, 07 Mar 2024 20:25:24 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391606 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety alert Wednesday warning consumers that select ground cinnamon products, sold at discount retailers including Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, and Save A Lot, contain “elevated levels of lead”. The agency recommends that consumers immediately discard the affected products and is urging manufacturers to issue voluntary recalls.

    Why It Matters?

    Lead poisoning is a serious health concern, particularly for children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children’s developing bodies make them more vulnerable to the harmful effects of lead. The CDC emphasizes, “Most children have no obvious immediate symptoms,” advising parents who believe their child may have been exposed to lead to consult with their doctor about blood testing.

    Mounting Concerns

    This latest FDA alert follows the recall of cinnamon applesauce pouches in late 2023 linked to hundreds of potential lead poisoning cases in children. Notably, the lead levels found in the newly identified ground cinnamon products (2.03 to 3.4 parts per million) are significantly lower than those found in the recalled pouches. The FDA stated that it currently “does not know how these products became contaminated with lead.”

    Affected Brands and Products

    • Supreme Tradition (sold at Dollar Tree and Family Dollar)
    • Marcum (sold at Save A Lot)
    • La Fiesta (sold at La Superior and SuperMercados)
    • MK (sold at SF Supermarket)
    • Swad (sold at Patel Brothers)
    • El Chilar (sold at La Joya Morelense in Baltimore)

    The FDA has posted recall notices for affected products on its website. A spokesperson for Dollar Tree and Family Dollar told the Associated Press that the stores have removed the cinnamon from shelves and are offering refunds.

    What is the Problem?

    The FDA determined through product testing that the listed products contain lead levels that may be unsafe with prolonged exposure. Consumers are advised to discard the affected products. The exception is MTCI cinnamon, as the FDA has been unable to reach the company. Updates regarding voluntary recalls will be provided as they become available.

    Recommendations for Consumers

    • Stop using and discard the affected products immediately. The products have a long shelf life, so consumers should check their pantries.
    • Seek medical advice if you suspect lead exposure. Most people do not experience immediate symptoms.
    • The Bottom Line: The FDA’s ongoing efforts to identify and remove lead-contaminated products highlight the persistent issue of lead exposure. Consumers are urged to stay informed about potential recalls and to prioritize the health and safety of their families.

    ALSO READ. What is benzene, the substance in acne creams that can cause cancer?

    Netflix Enters the Ring: Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson in Groundbreaking Live Event https://www.merca20.com/netflix-enters-the-ring-jake-paul-vs-mike-tyson-in-groundbreaking-live-event/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=netflix-enters-the-ring-jake-paul-vs-mike-tyson-in-groundbreaking-live-event Thu, 07 Mar 2024 16:16:23 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391505 This event, scheduled for July 20 at the AT&T Stadium in Texas, is not just another addition to Netflix’s expanding live sports catalog but a monumental bout that stands to redefine pay-per-view events and the consumption of sports entertainment.

    Jake Paul, known for his controversial yet successful transition from YouTube fame to professional boxing, has rapidly built a commendable record of 9 wins and 1 loss, with 6 of those wins by knockout. His opponent, Mike Tyson, needs no introduction. Tyson, dubbed “the baddest man on the planet,” holds a record that speaks volumes of his prowess in the ring: 50 wins, 6 losses, with 44 knockouts. This fight marks a pivotal moment in Paul’s career, offering him the chance to prove himself against one of the sport’s greatest icons.

    The fight also signifies a full-circle moment for both athletes. They shared the card back in 2020 during Tyson’s exhibition match against Roy Jones Jr., with Paul knocking out former NBA player Nate Robinson in a fight that went viral. Now, they are set to face each other in what promises to be a historic event.

    The significance of this event extends beyond the ring. It represents a strategic partnership between Netflix and Most Valuable Promotions, co-founded by Paul and Nakisa Bidarian, showcasing an innovative approach to sports entertainment distribution. As Netflix continues to explore live sports, with previous ventures including tennis and golf events, the addition of a live boxing match of this magnitude is a testament to the platform’s ambition and the evolving landscape of sports broadcasting.

    This bout not only promises to draw in a global audience of boxing enthusiasts and casual fans alike but also sets a new precedent for how sporting events are delivered and experienced. With Netflix’s vast subscriber base, the fight is accessible to an unparalleled audience, making it one of the most significant events in recent sports history.

    As the details of the co-main event and undercards are yet to be announced, anticipation continues to build. Both athletes have expressed their excitement and determination leading up to the fight. Paul views this as an opportunity to validate his boxing career against a legendary figure, while Tyson looks forward to testing the young contender’s mettle.

    As we count down to July 20, the question on everyone’s mind is whether Jake Paul can translate his viral success into a victory against one of the most feared boxers in history, or if Mike Tyson will prove that experience and legacy reign supreme in the squared circle. Either way, Netflix subscribers and sports fans worldwide won’t want to miss a moment of this groundbreaking event.

    Happy National Cereal Day 2024! Why is it celebrated on March 7th? https://www.merca20.com/happy-national-cereal-day-2024-why-is-it-celebrated-on-march-7th/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=happy-national-cereal-day-2024-why-is-it-celebrated-on-march-7th Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:00:27 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391483 March 7th marks a special day in the hearts of breakfast enthusiasts across the United States – National Cereal Day 2024. This day is dedicated to celebrating one of the most iconic breakfast choices, cereal. From sugary treats to whole-grain health boosts, cereal has become a staple in American households. But why do we celebrate this day, and how did cereal become such a beloved breakfast option?

    What can you do on National Cereal Day?

    There are many ways to celebrate the National Cereal Day. Here are a few ideas:

    • Enjoy a bowl of cereal: The simplest way to celebrate is to enjoy a bowl of your favorite cereal. You can try a new flavor combination or make a special recipe with cereal.
      Host a party: Invite your friends and family to a cereal-themed party. You can decorate your home with cereal boxes, set up games and activities related to cereal, and of course, serve a variety of cereals for everyone to enjoy.
      Visit a cereal museum: If you have the opportunity, visit a cereal museum like the Kellogg’s Cereal City Museum in Battle Creek, Michigan. There you can learn about the history of cereal and see how it is made.

    READ ALSO. Happy National Oreo Day: Why We Celebrate on March 6th

    Why do Americans love cereal?

    Cereal is a popular food in the United States for many reasons. It is a quick and easy option for breakfast, and it is also a source of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, there is a wide variety of cereals available to choose from, so there is something for everyone.

    The love affair between Americans and cereal dates back to the late 19th century. Initially marketed as a health food, cereal has evolved into a convenient and versatile meal option. Here are some reasons for its enduring popularity:

    • Convenience: Cereal offers a quick and easy meal solution, perfect for busy mornings. It requires minimal preparation, making it ideal for people of all ages.
    • Variety: There is a cereal out there for everyone. From chocolatey indulgences to fiber-rich options, the variety is endless.
    • Nostalgia: Many adults have fond memories of enjoying their favorite cereal as children. This nostalgia plays a significant role in the ongoing love for cereal.
    • Health Options: With an increased focus on health and wellness, cereal manufacturers have expanded their offerings to include whole grains, reduced sugar, and added nutrients, catering to a wide range of dietary needs and preferences.

    History of cereal

    Ferdinand Schumacher, a German immigrant, initiated the cereal revolution in 1854 with a simple hand oats grinder in the back room of a small Akron, Ohio store. His establishment, the German Mills American Oatmeal Company, became the nation’s first commercial oatmeal manufacturer.

    In 1877, embracing the Quaker symbol, Schumacher introduced the first registered trademark for a breakfast cereal, marking a significant milestone in cereal marketing.

    James Caleb Jackson, the mind behind Granula in 1863, is credited with creating the first breakfast cereal in the United States. Operating from Our Home on the Hillside, which would later become the Jackson Sanatorium in Dansville, New York, his creation, however, struggled to gain popularity due to its inconvenient preparation method requiring overnight soaking.

    The cereal industry’s growth is intertwined with both genuine religious beliefs and commercial interests in promoting healthy foods. Among the notable innovators, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, through his experiments with granola, boiled wheat, and produced the first flakes, obtaining a patent in 1891 and launching Cornflakes in 1895, which quickly became a national sensation.

    William K. Kellogg, after parting ways with his brother John, purchased the corn flakes rights and established the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906. His autograph on each package served as a trademark and a promise of quality.

    Charles W. Post’s introduction of Grape-nuts in 1898 and subsequent release of Post Toasties further enriched the cereal market.

    Thanks to the contributions of Kellogg and Post, Battle Creek, Michigan earned the moniker “Cereal Capital of the World,” a testament to its pivotal role in the history of cereal manufacturing.


    What is benzene, the substance in acne creams that can cause cancer? https://www.merca20.com/what-is-benzene-the-substance-in-acne-creams-that-can-cause-cancer/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-benzene-the-substance-in-acne-creams-that-can-cause-cancer Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:00:18 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391441 Benzene, a known carcinogen, continues to raise alarm as it’s found in everyday products. Independent testing lab Valisure has detected its presence in acne treatments from popular brands like Clinique and Clearasil. This adds to recent discoveries of benzene contamination in sunscreens, hand sanitizers, and dry shampoos.

    Valisure, based in New Haven, Connecticut, filed a petition with the FDA requesting the recall of affected acne products. Many contain the active ingredient benzoyl peroxide. Some of these products showed benzene levels up to nine times higher than FDA guidelines. The tests spanned different acne treatment forms: creams, lotions, gels, and washes, available over-the-counter or with a prescription.

    Valisure’s findings: which brands show high levels of benzene

    A 2.5% benzoyl peroxide cream from Proactiv contained 1,761 parts per million of benzene. Products by Target and Clinique also showed concerning levels. Acne’s status as the most common skin condition in the US increases the potential impact.

    Valisure frequently collaborates with healthcare systems on product research, emphasizing the need for industry quality control. According to David Light, Valisure President, benzene occurs as benzoyl peroxide breaks down – a known risk.

    “This discovery of benzoyl peroxide’s fundamental instability and formation of benzene is substantially different than Valisure’s previous findings of benzene in sunscreens, hand sanitizers and other consumer products.The benzene we found in sunscreens and other consumer products were impurities that came from contaminated ingredients; however, the benzene in benzoyl peroxide products is coming from the benzoyl peroxide itself, sometimes at hundreds of times the conditional FDA limit. This means the problem broadly affects benzoyl peroxide products, both prescription and over-the-counter, and necessitates urgent action”, he said.

    What is benzene?

    • A common industrial chemical: Benzene is widely used in the production of plastics, rubber, dyes, and some detergents. It’s also a natural component of crude oil and gasoline.
    • Appearance and smell: It’s a clear, colorless liquid with a sweet, gasoline-like odor.
    • A known carcinogen: Long-term exposure, especially at high levels, is strongly linked to the development of serious blood-related cancers, including leukemia. It disrupts the normal production of blood cells in the body.

    “There is not a safe level of benzene that can exist in any skin care product, over the counter or prescription. The current data on BPO degrading into high levels is extremely concerning given its prominent use in skin care, and this study should serve as another wake-up call for improved manufacturing and quality control of consumer healthcare products”: Christopher Bunick, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Dermatology at Yale University.

    FDA recognizes the serious danger of benzene and lists it as a “Class 1 solvent” that “should not be employed in the manufacture of drug substances, excipients, and drug products because of their unacceptable toxicity. However, if their use is unavoidable to produce a drug product with a significant therapeutic advance, then their levels should be restricted,” and benzene is restricted to 2 ppm for these particular circumstances.

    In December 2023, FDA took significant action through new guidance to tackle benzene contamination that was first identified by Valisure’s March 2021 FDA Citizen Petition detecting benzene in hand sanitizers, followed by a variety of consumer products including, sunscreens, antiperspirants, and dry shampoos. In the new guidance, the FDA urged manufacturers to reformulate various drug products containing “carbomer” gelling agents, which, as Valisure’s Hand Sanitizer Petition pointed out, pose a high risk of benzene contamination.

    Why is it in acne creams?

    Not intentional: Benzene is NOT added deliberately to acne creams. It forms as a byproduct when benzoyl peroxide, a common acne-fighting ingredient, degrades over time. This degradation is influenced by factors like storage conditions (heat, light) and other ingredients in the product.

    Cancer Risk from Acne Creams

    • Low but not zero: The amount of benzene in most acne creams is relatively small. Therefore, the risk of developing cancer from their use is considered low. However, any exposure to a carcinogen raises some concern, especially for those already at higher risk.
    • Importance of research: Studies like those done by Valisure are important. They help us understand potential risks and guide manufacturers towards safer formulations.

    ALSO READ. Cancer-causing substance found in Clinique and Clearasil products


    A Comprehensive View of Tech Layoffs in 2024: Emblematic Cases and Industry Reflections https://www.merca20.com/a-comprehensive-view-of-tech-layoffs-in-2024-emblematic-cases-and-industry-reflections/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-comprehensive-view-of-tech-layoffs-in-2024-emblematic-cases-and-industry-reflections Wed, 06 Mar 2024 23:36:36 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391416 The first quarter of 2024 has been an unusual period for the technology industry, marked by significant layoffs across startups and established giants alike. Although the tech industry has been one of the most profitable and successful industries in recent years, the recent layoffs have been a cause for concern.

    The reasons behind these layoffs are varied, but they all point to the fact that the industry is changing. Some reasons for these layoffs include restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and a shift in focus toward new technologies. Many companies are also trying to adapt to new market conditions and changing consumer demands, leading to a shift in their business strategies.

    Despite the industry’s challenges, there is still reason to be optimistic. Many tech companies are still innovating and creating new products and services that are changing how we live and work. Additionally, there is still a huge demand for skilled tech workers, and many companies are actively hiring.

    Overall, the first quarter of 2024 has been challenging for the tech industry, but it is important to remember that the industry has always been known for its resilience and ability to adapt to change. The industry’s future remains bright, and we can expect to see many new innovations and breakthroughs in the coming years.

    Emblematic Cases of Layoffs 2024

    • Sorare: The web3 fantasy sports platform laid off 13% of its staff in its New York office, pivoting its focus towards its Paris headquarters. This move reflects the volatile nature of the web3 space and the strategic shifts companies may need to undertake for consolidation and survival.
    • Apple: The tech titan’s cut of hundreds from its autonomous electric car project signifies the immense challenges and risks inherent in pioneering new technology frontiers, even for companies with significant resources.
    • Amazon: The e-commerce and tech conglomerate is trimming jobs in its One Medical and Amazon Pharmacy healthcare ventures. This indicates a reassessment of strategies in less established business segments amid broader economic pressures.
    • Rivian: The electric vehicle manufacturer is letting go of 10% of its salaried workforce. This decision underscores the harsh realities facing the EV market, characterized by intense competition and the need for cost optimization.
    • Cisco: With a 5% reduction affecting over 4,000 employees, Cisco’s move highlights the broader trend of tech giants striving for efficiency and adaptability in a rapidly changing digital landscape.
    • Project Ronin, a health technology firm, announced a complete shutdown, affecting approximately 150 employees. This drastic measure underscores startups’ challenges in securing sustainable business models and funding.
    • EA disclosed a 5% reduction of its workforce, which translates to around 670 employees, as part of its strategy to pivot away from future licensed intellectual properties. This decision reflects the changing dynamics in the gaming industry and the need for companies to adapt to evolving market demands.
    • Bumble decided to lay off about 350 employees, or 30% of its workforce, indicating a significant resizing effort within the online dating sector, possibly in response to market saturation or changing user engagement patterns.
    • Sony announced layoffs of 900 employees from its PlayStation unit, about 8% of the division’s workforce. This includes effects on prestigious game development studios such as Insomniac Games, Naughty Dog, and others, pointing to a consolidation effort in response to shifting priorities within the gaming industry.
    • Expedia plans to reduce its workforce by 1,500 roles in 2024, mainly affecting its Product & Technology division. This represents a significant cut of more than 8% of the company’s workforce, highlighting the travel industry’s ongoing adjustments to post-pandemic market conditions and technological advancements.
    • Finder, a financial startup, eliminated around 60 employees, or 17% of its workforce. This is the third major layoff round in the past 12 months, and it indicates continued struggles within the fintech sector to adapt to a changing regulatory and economic environment.
    • Grammarly announced the layoff of 230 employees worldwide, focusing on advancing its vision for an AI-enabled workplace. This move reflects the evolution in the tech landscape, with AI and machine learning increasingly shaping product development and company structures.
    • Snap planned cuts of 10% of its workforce, impacting roughly 500-plus employees, to streamline operations and reduce hierarchies. This decision highlights the pressures on social media companies to remain profitable while innovating user engagement and advertising models.
    • Okta laid off approximately 400 employees nearly a year after announcing a reduction of about 300 employees, underscoring the challenges faced by the cybersecurity sector in balancing growth with operational efficiencies.

    Underlying Reasons for the Layoffs

    Several factors contribute to the wave of layoffs, including economic downturns, shifts in consumer demand, and the fast-paced evolution of technology which outpaces some companies’ ability to adapt. The pressure to maintain profitability and investor confidence has also led many to reevaluate their staffing needs and overall business models.

    The impact of artificial intelligence can also be seen as a contributing factor to job loss. It is unclear how many jobs have been affected by this technology. Companies in this field may be hesitant to attribute job loss to AI, but the truth remains that this technology does not promote job creation in this space.

    These layoffs, while challenging, may also catalyze necessary change within the industry. Companies are likely to emerge leaner, with a sharper focus on core products and services that promise long-term viability. Moreover, the tech sector might witness a surge in innovation as firms look to differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

    The Human Aspect of the Tech layoffs 2024

    Beyond numbers and corporate strategies, it’s crucial to acknowledge the human impact of these layoffs. Each job loss affects individuals and families, contributing to broader societal implications. Therefore, the industry is responsible for managing these transitions with empathy and support, including retraining and placement services.

    The tech layoffs of 2024 present a complex picture woven with challenges of market dynamics, innovation, and economic pressures. The companies mentioned, among others, stand as a testament to the industry’s current state of flux. As the tech world navigates through these tumultuous times, the lessons learned may pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable future. Through adversity, the sector has the opportunity to refine its approaches to growth, innovation, and workforce management, ensuring it remains at the forefront of technological advancement and societal progress.

    Ferragamo’s Strategic Rebound: Navigating Through Challenges https://www.merca20.com/ferragamos-strategic-rebound-navigating-through-challenges/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ferragamos-strategic-rebound-navigating-through-challenges Wed, 06 Mar 2024 23:17:10 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391399 Salvatore Ferragamo, an emblem of Italian luxury, is pivotal in its storied history. Despite experiencing a dip in sales and a significant 44% drop in operating profit in 2023, Ferragamo’s resilience is evident, with signs of stabilization in February, as shared by the group’s chief executive.

    Gobbetti, who assumed the CEO role in 2022 after his tenure at Burberry, has been pivotal in orchestrating Ferragamo’s turnaround. The introduction of the new creative director, Maximilian Davis, and the emphasis on social media engagement and editorial content have been central to revitalizing the brand’s identity and market positioning. Furthermore, despite operating cost pressures, Ferragamo’s strategic investments in marketing and communication underscore its commitment to long-term brand strength and market presence.

    The year’s initial months painted a challenging picture, particularly in key markets such as Asia and the United States. However, February marked a turn for the better, with retail sales aligning with the previous year’s figures. This rebound is attributed not only to the positive impact of the Chinese New Year but also to the noticeable recovery across Europe, Japan, and the United States.

    Ferragamo’s financial performance in 2023, with earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) totaling 72 million euros, though a decline from the previous year’s 128 million euros, still surpassed analyst expectations. This demonstrates cautious optimism within the company as it navigates the current market conditions while maintaining its commitment to growth and profitability.

    The strategic adjustments Gobbetti and his team made, including a reduction in operating costs and a disciplined approach to marketing investments, indicate Ferragamo’s resolve to uphold its legacy while adapting to the evolving luxury market landscape. The decision to lower the dividend payout reflects a prudent financial strategy, ensuring the company remains on a solid footing for future growth.

    As Ferragamo continues its transformation journey under Gobbetti’s leadership, the focus remains on enhancing the brand’s appeal to modern shoppers without compromising on the quality and craftsmanship that have been the hallmark of Ferragamo for decades. The path ahead may be fraught with challenges. Still, with strategic adjustments and a commitment to its core values, Salvatore Ferragamo is poised to reclaim its position as a leading figure in the world of luxury fashion.

    The unfolding story of Ferragamo serves as a compelling narrative of resilience, innovation, and unwavering dedication to excellence. As the luxury sector evolves, Ferragamo’s journey offers valuable insights into the complexities of navigating market shifts while staying true to one’s heritage and vision for the future.


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    Ferragamo’s brand communication

    Ferragamo’s comprehensive strategy extends beyond product and marketing innovation. The company’s efforts to optimize its retail network and unveil new store concepts, as demonstrated by the upcoming revamp of its Via Montenapoleone women’s flagship in Milan, are critical components of its broader ambition to redefine luxury retailing. These initiatives, coupled with a disciplined approach to cost management and a recalibrated dividend policy, signal Ferragamo’s pragmatic yet optimistic outlook on its future.
    Despite the adverse market conditions that led to a general softening in luxury demand, Ferragamo’s performance in key regions like the Asia Pacific, Japan, and North America provides insights into the nuanced nature of global luxury markets. The brand’s ability to record positive sales trends in the fourth quarter of 2023, especially in Greater China, alongside strategic adjustments in the European, Middle East, and African markets, reflects a balanced and responsive global strategy.

    Looking ahead, Ferragamo’s journey symbolizes the challenges and opportunities within the luxury fashion industry. As the brand continues to navigate market uncertainties and evolving consumer preferences, its strategic focus on product innovation, brand communication, and operational efficiency will be critical in steering Ferragamo toward its growth ambitions. The luxury sector, known for its resilience and dynamism, will undoubtedly watch Ferragamo’s progression with keen interest as it endeavors to harness its heritage while innovatively charting a path forward in the contemporary luxury landscape.

    Cancer-causing substance found in Clinique and Clearasil products https://www.merca20.com/cancer-causing-substance-found-in-clinique-and-clearasil-products/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cancer-causing-substance-found-in-clinique-and-clearasil-products Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:11:32 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391353 Valisure, an independent testing laboratory in the United States, issued an alert about the presence of a cancer-causing chemical, specifically benzene, in acne treatments from well-known brands such as Clinique and Clearasil.

    This discovery adds to previous identifications of this compound in hand sanitizers, sunscreens, and dry shampoos, thus expanding the list of consumer products with concerning levels of this cancer-linked substance.

    Valisure LLC, based in New Haven, Connecticut, has been responsible for filing a petition to the FDA for the withdrawal of affected acne treatments, all of which contain benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient.

    This call comes after Valisure found benzene levels up to nine times higher than FDA guidelines in some of these products. The tests included a variety of treatment forms, including creams, lotions, gels, and washes, available both over-the-counter and by prescription.

    Valisure’s findings: which brands show high levels of benzene

    The most alarming results include a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide cream from Proactiv, which showed up to 1,761 parts per million of benzene, and similar products from Target and Clinique, which also exhibited elevated levels of the carcinogen.

    These findings are particularly concerning considering acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting millions of people each year.

    Valisure, known for its rigorous product research and collaboration with major healthcare systems, has emphasized the importance of surveillance and quality control in the pharmaceutical and personal care industry.

    The presence of benzene in benzoyl peroxide products, according to Valisure President David Light, is due to the breakdown of benzoyl peroxide into benzene, a risk that he indicates has been known for some time.

    READ ALSO. Happy National Oreo Day: Why We Celebrate on March 6th

    Brands Respond

    Reuters reported that Estee Lauder shares experienced a 2% decline following revelations that benzene was found in various acne treatment products, including Proactiv, PanOxyl, Walgreens’ acne soap bar, and Walmart’s Equate Beauty acne cream, according to Valisure test reports.

    This laboratory warned that benzene could form at unacceptably high levels in both prescription and over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide.

    In response, Reckitt defended the safety of its Clearasil products, arguing that the findings reflect unrealistic scenarios rather than real-world conditions.

    Estee Lauder asserted that its Clinique product using benzoyl peroxide is safe for intended use. Both Target and Walmart have not commented on Reuters’ inquiries, and the FDA has not yet responded to Valisure’s petition.

    What is benzene?

    Benzene, a natural component of gasoline and tobacco smoke, is known for its potential to cause leukemia in high concentrations.

    Its detection in everyday products has raised concerns about the safety of household items and has prompted questions about FDA regulatory oversight of the industry.




    Happy National Oreo Day: Why We Celebrate on March 6th https://www.merca20.com/happy-national-oreo-day-why-we-celebrate-on-march-6th/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=happy-national-oreo-day-why-we-celebrate-on-march-6th Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:00:27 +0000 https://www.merca20.com/?p=12391167 On March 6th, cookie lovers across the nation come together to celebrate one of the most iconic and beloved sweet treats: the Oreo cookie. Known for its distinctive black and white appearance and its unique taste, the Oreo has carved out a special place in the hearts (and stomachs) of millions. But why do we celebrate National Oreo Cookie Day on this date, and what is the story behind this famous cookie?

    Let’s delve into the history, the invention, and the delicious details that make Oreo the king of cookies.

    Who Invented the Oreo Cookie?

    The Oreo cookie was invented by the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco), a name synonymous with biscuits and cookies in the United States.

    The first Oreos were sold on March 6, 1912, in Hoboken (New Jersey).

    It was first introduced to the public on 1912, making its debut as part of a trio of “highest class biscuits” in a distinctive tin. The brains behind the Oreo’s unique design and recipe remains a bit of a mystery, with several Nabisco employees credited with its creation. However, it’s the cookie’s enduring popularity that truly defines its legacy.

    The History of the Oreo Cookie

    Since its introduction in 1912, the Oreo cookie has evolved to become the best-selling sweet snack of the 21st century. Originally named “Oreo Biscuit,” it was developed and produced at the Chelsea factory in New York City. Over the years, the Oreo has undergone several modifications in design and formula, but it has maintained its essence that captivates both young and old.

    What Do Oreo Cookies Contain? Main Ingredients

    Oreo cookies mainly consist of two crispy dark chocolate biscuits with a creamy vanilla-flavored filling in the middle. Key ingredients include wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, cocoa, high-fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, chocolate, and various leavening agents.

    What’s Inside Oreo Cookies

    The heart of an Oreo cookie is its white cream filling, a creation of Samuel J. Porcello. This distinctive filling is what sets Oreos apart from other sandwich cookies on the market. The cream is made from powdered sugar, vegetable oil, soy lecithin, and artificial vanilla flavor, providing the perfect balance between sweetness and creamy texture that perfectly complements the chocolate biscuits.

    The National Oreo Cookie Day is not just a celebration of a snack, but a tribute to innovation and creativity in the world of gastronomy. Every March 6, we remember not only the launch of a cookie but also the legacy of Samuel J. Porcello and the impact that his inventiveness has had on the snacks of millions around the globe.


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    In conclusion,  The Oreo’s journey from a simple biscuit to an international sensation speaks volumes about its universal appeal and the shared moments of happiness it brings to people of all ages. So, on this National Oreo Day, let’s twist, lick, and dunk our way into the rich history and delicious essence of the Oreo cookie.


